Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mutalibov returns to Azerbaijan after 20 years=?UTF-8?B?4oCZIA==?=absence

Azserbaijan's first president, Ayaz Mutalibov, has finally returned to homeland after residing in Russia for 20 years.
His repatriation became possible thanks to a recent parliament-approved bill proposing immunities for former presidents and their families.
Mutalibov was a president between 1991 and 1992. Formerly the first secretary of the Communist Party's Central Committee, he had to leave the country following unsuccessful developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Months later, he returned to power but was soon toppled and had to move to Russia.
The Azerbaijani authorities accused Mutalibov of an attempted coup. The country's request to return the ex-leader had met Russia's rejection.
One of the leaders of Azerbaijan's Social Democratic Party, Mutalibov announced in late June that he was quitting politics in order to devote more time to his family and health. 

Armenian News

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