Tuesday, March 13, 2012

168 Zham: Ex speaker to join run for parliament?

The paper says it has learned from sources that the former speaker of the National Assembly, Tigran Torosyan, will soon unveil his intention to run for the parliamentary elections in May.

Citing its sources, the paper claims that the leaders of the National Consent and Powerful Motherland parties, Aram Harutyunyan and Vardan Vardapetyan, are also going to bid for parliament. But the paper says it did not manage to contact either of them for first-hand information.

Vardapetyan is out of the country, the paper learned. As for Torosyan, who is also the former vice-chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), he reportedly declined to confirm or deny the report, saying that he does not comment on rumors.

Armenian News

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