Thursday, November 29, 2012

Paying for Conscience: European Court awards 112,000 Euros in Armenia v. Jehovah=?UTF-8?B?4oCZ?=s Witnesses case

The verdict of the European Court for Human Rights by which a group of Jehovah's Witnesses have won their lawsuit against the Republic of Armenia, has angered many of those who oppose the religious organization.

Social networks are flooded with outraged comments, saying why their taxes should go to paying the total of 112,000 Euros (about $145,500) the Armenian state has to give to the 17 Jehovah's Witnesses in alternative military service who had refused to carry weapons, saying that it conflicted with their religious beliefs..

Armenian News

1 comment:

  1. Jehovah's Witnesses conscientious objector flip-flop.

    Christians who object to military service as conscientious objectors are offered the option of National Alternative Service to work in various fields such as forestry, parks, hospitals etc.
    Young men were at liberty to choose, but the choice of Alternative Service for Jehovah Witness men, carried with it the automatic disqualification to be viewed a JW in good standing, (disfellowshipped) subject to rejection and shunning by the Witness community, family and friends, with no hope of a resurrection.

    Consequently,the refusal of young JW men to accept Alternative Service resulted in an automatic prison term of several years in penal institutions. This resulted in leaving jobs and, if married, leaving unsupported family and children, being separated for years.

    Then in May 1996, WT reversed its policy leaving the decision up to the individual’s conscience (as it should be), no longer resulting in an automatic disassociation (disfellowshipped). These questions beg an answer: why was this policy maintained for decades resulting in needless imprisonment?

    Alternative Service, a disfellowshipping sin for decades prior to May 1996, was no longer a crime against God after that date? After men had languished in prisons for years.
    Danny Haszard FMI dannyhaszard(dot)com
