Thursday, July 5, 2012

Satirist Vardan Petrosyan: "I have to comment on Harsnakar even though it's a sensitive subject"

13:05, July 5, 2012

Political satirist and comedian Vardan Petrosyan spoke to reporters today about his upcoming one-man show and had the following comments regarding the recent Harsnakar Restaurant beating of army doctors.

"If they can raise a hand against officers, then tomorrow, they can do the same to the president. Of course…not this president.  Just picture it. They could walk into the Presidential Palace, rough him up a bit, and then leave."

Petrosyan says he'll comment on the Harsnakar incident at his shows at the Hagop Baronian Theater on July 23 and 24, even though it's a highly sensitive and sore topic.

Armenian News

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