Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Armenian opposition MP refuses post of Ethics Committee vice-chairman

Nikol Pashinyan, an MP of the opposition bloc Armenian National Congress (ANC), learned from press reports that Armenian NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan had appointed him vice-chairman of the Ethics Committee of Armenia's newly formed parliament.Pashinyan considers his appointment illegal.The appointment is a violation of Point 3 of Article 24.1 of the Regulations of the RA National Assembly. A parliamentary group member can only be appointed if nominated by the group, Pashinyan said.In his statement posted on his official website Pashinyan refuses to fill the post of chairman of the NA Ethics Committee. On the other hand, he is determined to be actively involved in the Committee's activities "placing first priority on the behavior of the oligarch MPs, who consider themselves superior to law."Talking to Tert.am, Secretary of the ANC group Aram Manukyan said that the group only nominated Pashinyan as a Committee member, and the NA speaker should have consulted with the group before signing a relevant decree.During the autumn session of Armenia's parliament, David Harutyunyan will head the Ethics Committee in rotation. 

Armenian News

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