Friday, March 9, 2012

VIDEO: Women Occupy Kiosks in Mashtots Park

On Mar. 8, International Women’s Day, a group of female activists broke through the barricades surrounding kiosks in a downtown Yerevan park and occupied one of the partially constructed kiosks. Note, activists have been coming to Mashtots Park nearly every day for over three weeks, protesting the construction of shops in one of the few remaining green spaces in the Armenian capital.

At 5:25 in the video, asked if police are going to intervene, Yerevan Deputy Police Chief Robert Melkonyan (better known under the nickname Bazaz) says: “Why should we intervene? What’s going on that we have to intervene? The barricades are there because construction is underway. We’re not [protecting] this construction or anything. Just that you’re doing a demonstration, us police are standing [here] so that there aren’t any sudden incidents.

Armenian News

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