Friday, March 9, 2012

Clinton answers US Armenians with evasive phrases

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a written response to a letter of protest from the Armenian National Committee of America, stopped short of properly characterizing this atrocity as a crime, much less keeping the pledges that both she and President Obama have made to fully and formally recognize this clear case of genocide, Asbarez reported.

“While we value the willingness of Secretary Clinton to engage with Armenian American voters during this political season, and certainly take note of the fact that she has refrained from repeating her recent highly offensive comments directly calling into question the Armenian Genocide, we remain deeply troubled by her misguided efforts to downgrade an international crime of genocide to a simple bilateral conflict,” said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. “This is the Turkish government’s false and immoral narrative, fabricated by Ankara and its allies to somehow defer the day when the Turkish state and society will – voluntarily or not – face the inevitable moral and material responsibilities for their crimes.”

Armenian News

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