Monday, March 4, 2013

Raffi Hovannisian Petitions Constitutional Court: Seeks Annulment of Election Results

20:31, March 4, 2013

A group of Raffi Hovannisian's legal advisors today filed a petition with the RA Constitutional Court seeking to annul the official results of the February 18 presidential election.

Hovsep Khourshoudyan told reporters outside the court that, "We are demanding that the victory of the people and the election of Raffi Hovannisian as president be certified."

Police cordoned off the street leading to the Constitutional Court, a move which many citizens who had come to support Hovannisian deemed a restriction of their mobility.

Police were only letting reporters with press passes through.

The Constitutional Court has ten days to review the petition and declare its decision.

Source: HetqOriginial Article

Armenian News

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