Friday, April 17, 2015

World Bank Project Displaces 440 People in Armenia According to ICIJ Investigation

13:46, April 17, 2015

According to "Evicted and Abandoned", a  recent global investigation issued by The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), an estimated 440  people in Armenia have been physically or economically displaced by the World Bank's Electricity Supply Reliability Project.

The above US$39 million project was approved for financing in May 2011.

In addition to the above project, the ICIJ claims that another three World Bank (WB) projects in Armenia have been cited as having confirmed or possible displacement between 2004 and 2013. (The WB doesn’t have information on the effects produced by the rest).

These three were a 2011 $18 million Emergency Supplemental Financing of the Rehabilitation of the Irrigation Systems; a 2013 $45 million project to improve vital roadways; and a 2013 $30 million project to modernize irrigation systems.

Armenian News

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