Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why Aren=?UTF-8?B?4oCZ?=t Textbooks Sent From Armenia Reaching Schools in Javakhk?

00:09, April 16, 2015

When Hetq asked officials at the diaspora ministry why textbooks sent from Armenia weren't reaching Armenian schools in Javakhk, where a large Armenian community exists right over the border in Georgia, we were told that samples first had to be examined and approved by the Georgian education ministry.

"Employees at Georgia's Ministry of Education and Science have been given one copy each of all materials destined for Javakhk. Soon, once we receive approval of a final list, they will be sent to Tbilisi," said diaspora deputy minister Serzh Srapionyan.

The textbook issue hit the pages of the press after teachers at Javakhk Armenian schools said they hadn't received material sent from Armenia. The press then chimes in that the books were being held up at the Georgian border.

Armenian News

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