Monday, April 13, 2015

Priceless Artifact: Komitas Piano Returns Home

17:21, April 11, 2015

By Anna Babajanyan 

The Komitas Museum-Institute, which opened in January, received its most expensive exhibition piece from the Charents Museum of Literature and Arts—the grand piano Komitas himself used for composing. 

This journey, however, was not unswerving. For decades this piano's abode changed from one to the next before reaching its final resting place. 

And Komitas, the greatest Armenian musician, was deprived of the opportunity to have this legendary historical artifact for many years. It would have been unbelievable for the distinguished archimandrite Komitas to have given concert performances of his popular and spiritual songs and have led a choir with this instrument, but he actually composed on a tiny antique piano housed in Etchmiadzin congregation hall. That instrument's keyboard was nowhere near substantial enough for Komitas. 

Armenian News

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