Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Obama Not to Utter the "G" Word

14:00, April 22, 2015

President Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes confirmed to Armenian American reps, during a White House meeting on April 21, that the president has chosen not to use the term “genocide” in his April 24th statement marking the worldwide centennial of this crime.

“President Obama’s surrender to Turkey represents a national disgrace.  It is, very simply, a betrayal of truth, a betrayal of trust,” said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. 

“With the world’s attention drawn this April 24 to worldwide Armenian Genocide Centennial commemorations, President Obama will, tragically, use the moral standing of our nation not to defend the truth, but rather to enforce of a foreign power’s gag-rule.  He has effectively outsourced America’s policy on the Armenian Genocide to Recep Erdogan,” said Hachikian.

Armenian News

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