Monday, July 2, 2012

Yerevan Marchers Demand Justice for Vahe Avetyan

17:06, July 1, 2012

Armenians marched through the streets of Yerevan today to demand that all those responsible for the beating death of army physician Major Vahe Avetyan be brought to justice.

The marchers, who assembled in front of the Presidential Palace on Baghramyan Strret, also called for the ouster from parliament of Rouben "Nemets" Hayapetyan, the owner of the Harsanakar Restuarant where Avetyan and two friends were savagely beaten by restaurant staff and members of Hayrapetyan's bodygurard.

The marchers then made their way to the National Assembly and General Prosecutor's Office, winding up outside the Government Building. 

Source: HetqOriginial Article

Armenian News

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