Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Slovakia: no more patience for European bailouts

Slovakia’s prime minister says people in his country have run out of patience with European rescue measures and more aid can only be offered if troubled eurozone nations get their finances in order, The AP reports.
Robert Fico, whose nation is one of the newest and least affluent members of the 17-nation eurozone, said in Germany on Tuesday it was “very difficult” to explain to his people why they should contribute to rescuing nations with significantly higher salaries and pensions.
Fico’s comments appeared to be a veiled reference to Greece, which has a higher standard of living but has needed two bailout packages.
Speaking alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said further assistance can’t be envisioned unless recipients fulfill the commitments they make in return.
He said: “The public’s patience has run out.” 

Armenian News

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