Monday, July 9, 2012

Sharmazanov Responds: "It's Azerbaijan that continues to occupy districts of Artsakh"

15:08, July 9, 2012

At a joint press conference today in Baku with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov stated that if Armenian forces withdrew from the "occupied" territories the problem of sniper fire and armed incursions would stop.

In response, RA National Assembly Vice-President Edward Sharmazanov stated that, true to form, Azerbaijani authorities continue to distort the truth which is that Baku continues to occupy certain districts of the Artsakh Republic, namely Getashen, Martounashen and Shahoumyan.

"Azerbaijani snipers periodically fire on peaceful residents and in the direction of kindergartens. It's the Azerbaijani side that must assume the full responsibility of the lack of serious progress in the settlement negotiations," Sharmazanov stated. 

Armenian News

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