Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Security Forces Raid Offices of Turkish News AgencyIPI Condemns Use of Anti-Terror Laws to Target Media

22:40, July 4, 2012

VIENNA, 4 July, 2012 - Turkish security forces on June 26 conducted a raid at the offices of the Istanbul-based Güneş News Agency as part of a large-scale operation against the underground Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP), according to news sources.  Police units carried out the search at the news agency, which oversees the technical affairs of Etkin News Agency and weekly newspaper Atılım, at the behest of an Istanbul Court, it was reported. 

Security forces allegedly seized notes, archived material and personal belongings while holding 15 or so employees in their offices for several hours, without having produced detention orders. So far, the police have not publicly provided a foundation for the suspected link between the news outlets and the MLKP: according to an IPI media source in Turkey. 

Armenian News

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