Friday, July 6, 2012

No Prosperous Armenia member applies for special session

No one of the Armenian NA Secretariat has applied to the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) for signing a demand for a special meeting of Armenia's National Assembly (NA), Naira Zohrabyan, Secretary of the PAP parliamentary group, told is surprised at the Heritage party's erroneous conclusion that the PAP has no intention to join the initiative.
In an interview with the Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times) newspaper, Zaruhi Postanjyan, a Heritage group member said that the parliament would not hold a special meeting to discuss the opposition bloc Armenian National Congress' (ANC) proposal to set up an interim commission to investigate the tragic incident in the Harsnaqar restaurant. A joint discussion by the ANC, Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun (ARF-D) and Heritage groups showed that only two or three of the PAP group members agreed to sign a demand for a special meeting.
This position appears strange given the fact that the PAP group, together with the aforementioned parties, applied to the Armenian NA speaker for organizing a meeting with high-ranking police officials and a parliamentary hearing.
"I read the article. Mrs Postanjyan decided to state in place of the PAP that 'we, the ANC, Heritage and ARF-D decided that some of the PAP members will join this initiative'," Zohrabyan said.
A special meeting requires 1/3 of MPs' signatures within 24 hours.
"Levon Zurabyan and I only had a talk on July 4. It was clear that the PAP was to provide most of the signatures," Zohrabyan said.
With respect to Postanjyan's comments on the PAP's "vague" behavior, Zohrabyan said that she does not want to respond to the political forces some of whose members "play the opposition during working hours, whereas, during the time off, they specify their plans as 'opposition' at relevant agencies." 

Armenian News

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