Sunday, July 8, 2012

French President Vows New Armenian Genocide Bill

23:19, July 8, 2012

On the heels of remarks by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius that his government would not be proposing a new bill criminalizing the 1915 Armenian Genocide, a French-Armenian organization says that it has received assurances of President Hollande that it would.

 The Coordinating Council of Armenian Organisations of France (CCAF) has told AFP that, "Francois Hollande has again expressed his willingness to propose a bill designed to curb the denial of the Armenian genocide, as he had said during his campaign and even before."

On Saturday, Mr. Hollande's office also came out with a statement contradicting what was implied by Fabius just two days prior in a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu.

Armenian News

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