Friday, July 6, 2012

Armenia's Minister of Environment is Cleaning-Up Financially

00:02, July 6, 2012

Many are probably not aware that RA Minister of the Environment, Aram Haroutyunyan, is the major shareholder in a company called Yeghvard Road Construction.

The company won a tender bid to service all the roads in the town of Yeghvard. One can only wonder if Minister Haroutyunyan pulled any strings to win the contract.

Haroutyunyan has been in the media spotlight on and off over his financial revenues, but the government has taken no moves to take a closer look.

In 2008, Aram Haroutyunyan's only source of income was his 2.9 million AMD salary.

In 2009, his income jumped to 131 million AMD. The following year is dropped to 103 million.

Armenian News

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