Monday, July 9, 2012

Appeal to the Diplomatic Missions in Armenia to Reject Any Visa Application Submitted by Hayrapetyan

18:27, July 9, 2012

Over thousand members of the civil society of Armenia have signed an appeal addressed to the Diplomatic Missions in Armenia to hinder any chance of Ruben Hayrapetyan, an MP and the owner of “Harsnaqar” restaurant (where his personal bodyguards beat up to death Dr. Vahe Avetyan) to flee from the jurisdiction of Armenia and to manifest the solidarity with the civil society of Armenia. It have been sent to the all diplomatic missions in Armenia minutes ago. Below is the full text of the Appeal.

During his many years of activity, Ruben Hayrapetyan, the Member of the RA National Assembly and President of the Football Federation of Armenia (more widely known by his criminal nickname, Nemetz Rubo), has proven that he is a propagator of violence and hatred by manifesting his utter disgust and disrespect towards universal values and human rights. 

Armenian News

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