Wednesday, July 4, 2012

35 Armenian Peacekeepers to Serve in Kosovo

14:19, July 4, 2012

A 35-member unit of Armenian peacekeepers will leave for Kosovo on July 6.

The Armenian peacekeepers will be located at the Camp Bondsteel American military base.

Camp Bondsteel is the main base of the United States Army under KFOR command in Kosovo.  Located near Uroševac in the eastern part of Kosovo, the base serves as the NATO headquarters for KFOR’s Multinational Brigade East.

Armenian peacekeepers, who had been carrying out mission in Kosovo since 2004, were withdrawn because of the reduction of the number of troops participating in the Kosovo Force (KFOR).

A Memorandum of Understanding on the resumption of the Armenian peacekeeping mission in Kosovo has been signed with the American side.

Source: HetqOriginial Article

Armenian News

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