Monday, March 12, 2012

Baku Homeowners Evicted to Make Room for Eurovision Venue

Eurovision 2012 is supposed to be Azerbaijan's coming-out party, but it will bring little joy to Natalia Alibekova Cherkezova (pictured below, right), a pensioner in the capital Baku, freelance journalist Shahla Sultanova writes in an article for Institute for War and Peace Reporting.

"It will remind me how I was evicted from my beautiful home," she said. "When Azerbaijan won Eurovision in 2011, I had a gut feeling that the government would hurt people. "

Baku won the right to host the festival contest in May last year, when Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal came top in the annual contest.

Eurovision will be the most high-profile international event held in Azerbaijan since it became independent two decades ago, and the government has made extraordinary efforts to get the capital into shape for it.

Armenian News

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